
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Bad Business Bureau

I thought the Better Business Bureau was a place to find bad things on businesses. Apparently not. So if you're looking for comments on a business in regard to if they are worthy or not, check out this site.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Adelphia Cable Service

Is Adelphia required to provide service if I live within one mile of existing service? Is it a law that they have to extend the cable to my residence? I wrote a letter to my neighbor, who just happens to work for the State of Pennsylvania government. This will be interesting if I can open up my working from home opportunities. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Pictures of STD's on the web

Let's talk about STD's. I created a few singles groups in the area where I live and from time to time, the topic of STD's come up in conversation. Someone in the group commented about how descriptive these pictures are and this was my reply to them. I'd like to add, that yes, pictures are descriptive in a way, but not every picture you see.....truly depicts the "average" person and how some STD's react on a person's body.

I have NOT done ALOT of research in regard to HIV (AIDS), however I have in regard to HSV1 & 2 (oral/genital herpes) please please please, make sure your children or friends for that matter, know that even if for instance, a person has genital or even oral herpes (that would be cold sores folks, probably lots of us carry that "virus", but prefer to call it a "coldsore", well it's not "just" a coldsore. IT IS ORAL HERPES and you can transmit it to another person, orally as well as genitally). Most herpes outbreaks DO NOT look like those ones on the web. Most times, if a person gets an outbreak of any amount of severity, it's usually their "first outbreak" which is sorta God's way of sayin' "Hello!!, you now have to really be a responsible sexual partner. You have to "tell" and telling another person about something so personal can be very difficult for many". I've even read where some people have committed suicide over this because they couldn't deal with it emotionally. That is so sad and soooooo unnecessary. They could deal with outbreaks etc, but they feel like "NO ONE will ever lovethem" which is soooooooo untrue. Some people choose meds (you've probably seen the Valtrex commercials) to "suppress" outbreaks and to minimize shedding. you're saying.....what the heck is shedding? I'm glad you asked.

shedding: an excerpt from a website: "This is called asymptomatic or subclinical shedding of the virus; giving off the virus from the body with no apparent symptoms. The more sensitive our virus detection methods become, the more subclinical viral shedding we can identify. The exact frequency of subclinical shedding is not known. We do know that up to 70% of new cases of herpes are transmitted from someone showing no apparent symptoms at the time they infected their partner. Research has shown that subclinical shedding occurs more frequently during the first year of having herpes than it does subsequently. This information may present difficult emotional concerns about sexuality, and,unfortunately, there are no guarantees for fail-safe methods of dealing with this thorny issue. It is probably true that many people who have herpes do have symptomatic episodes when they give off virus but do not recognize them as herpes symptoms.

Check here for a great online herpes handbook to read for more valuable information.

Also, I'd like to add, that even if a person does have or gets herpes, they can live a healthy sexual life with this virus. They just have to know their body and use precautions to protect a partner. Sadly, there is no "guarantee" that a person won't get it, so casual sex (I didn't say casual dating) is not a good idea for someone who lives with this virus. It is not a death sentence, not the end of the world, however society has placed a stigmatism on it that it is "bad" "dirty" "only sluts get it".....NONE of which are true!! It can happen to anyone!! On the other hand, HIV does scare the heck out of me. Both HIV and the herpes virus HSV1 (oral herpes) and HSV2 (genital herpes).

So for teens, help to spread awareness, I believe there is even a pledge in there.. PTA organizations might want to even connect with the gal who runs this site: Stop, Think and Decide It is still being constructed, but there is already a ton of great information on here. I'm sure the owner would love feedback if you find something of interest to you. I've done alot of research on herpes specifically, know a few people who have it, have had MANY conversations, so I know how it affects them. It's more an emotional issue, because of the stigmatism which society has placed. So that's why I can't stress enough that it is possible to live a happy and healthy life, even if you get herpes. BTW, because Oral sex is such a huge thing amongst kids. I read someplace recently, that the numbers/percentages of people contracting HSV1 (oral herpes) and transmitting it to the genital area have risen tremendously. I believe I read that, today it is the most common form of herpes is oral transferred genitally. of my soapbox. Any questions or comments, I'll be happy to get the info for you. If you have herpes, it's not the end of the world. If you need to chat with someone about this, I can hook you up. You don't have to feel alone. If I had to choose an STD, I would certainly choose HSV (herpes) over AIDS or incurable cancer's ANYDAY. How about you? Have a great day everyone.

