
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

How I lowered my Cholesterol

For the past 2 years, my doctor has been closely monitoring my
cholesterol and it seems as though no matter how many pills he
prescribed (of course I'm on lovastatin and zetia at the present
time) my cholesterol was always at dangerous levels. Now I
realize that if I lose some weight, that would probably help, but
I haven't done that yet so that quick fix wasn't happening. I got
tired of yo-yo diets, so when I lose weight this next time, I want
to do it the "right way" (I'm still working on figuring out the right
way, even though I totally believe it has so much to do with
exercise, for me!!).

OK, so this past month, same diagnosis, horrible cholesterol problems. I
decided to try the once a day oatmeal trick, I figured it couldn't hurt and if
the American Heart Association recommended it, why not. So for the past
month, I have been eating a bowl of oatmeal with a few raisins added for
sweetness almost religiously each day and I got great news from my Dr's
office yesterday. The finally tell me, my cholesterol levels are perfect and
whatever I'm doing, I need to keep doing it. Now, who ever said food was
not good for you :-)

Now I can do that and continue to try and make things better in my life along with getting to bed earlier at night. I need to shift my evening online activities to morning w/coffee sessions and then get my much needed rest and spend more time with my son in the morning. Discipline is NOT an easy thing.

National Cholesterol Education Program


Blogger Kim said...

Thanks for the father has just found out his cholesterol is too high....hasn't been able to bring down on his own and now they want to put him on meds to do so. I will be sure to share your success with him.

Mon Jan 30, 08:07:00 AM  

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