
Sunday, January 08, 2006

CHAOS in your life?

I've decided to try and take care of things in my life. Trying to get things
in order. Do you do these things too?

I read, research, scheme and plan, and then not do too much of what I
had all figured out! I am like that in many other areas of my life, in the
home, in my job, in my quest for losing weight and getting in shape, in
my plans to start my own craft business, to sell my unwanted goods on
EBAY, to have a tag sale in my home, to have dinner ready by 6pm,
etc. She found something which helps people like us! We are called
SHE's = (Sidetracked Home Executives)

We try to do a million things all at once, and be superwoman, and end
up crashing and burning! The idea is to have the "routines" become
habit, that your house seems to clean itself, and you find it infiltrates
other areas of your life, heart, and mind, so that you end up FLYing
(Finally Loving Yourself!) every day!

1st step of her morning routine is to "Get Dressed to the Shoes, face
and hair." This way, you are always ready for anything and not sitting
there, feeling in a slump all day.

Are you living in CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome),
or you just need to organize your life, I think this website and/or
yahoo group might help get us motivated.


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