
Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm a Mary Kay Survivor

Well, it's time for me to return my product back to the company. I gave it
a try and became totally disenchanted rather quickly with this company. I
like to put make up on and help other women put make up on, but I wasn't
interested in all of the phoniness of it all. I have a hard time believing that
these women, in all of there rah-rah sessions, never ever had a down
time. And God forbid if you even breathe a hint of negativity or doubt
about the company, as you are quickly chastized and told you are either
a negative nellie or just not working your business. It's been a slow
process, trying to get through this mess, realizing that I will have lost
alot of money by being a part of this organization. I'll be glad when it's
all over. Getting ready to return my product, hopefully this week.

Sent my stuff back via USPS - 2 boxes for a little over 80.00. So glad
it's out of my life. Just waiting for my small refund check to finally
close that chapter.


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