
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tips for reducing my gas and electric heating bills

Some of the things I have been doing to reduce my home heating bill have been:

  1. If you're not using your gas stove every single day, turn off the gas to it if you're able to reach the power source knob easily. It's easy to light the pilot light if and when you might need to use your stove.
  2. Turn down the heat on your water heater. No need to run that all day long at the regular temperature. It takes about 15 minutes to heat the water up before you take a shower. Have everyone in your household take showers right about the same time.
  3. Do your laundry in cold water.
  4. Keep your home temperature set at 55 degrees. Yes, it will be a bit nippy, but you can survive it. As my dad used to say "Put more clothes on" He was such a smart man. I have several blankets I use in my living room during the cold months to snuggle under and I also turn my electric blanket on my bed, about an hour before I go to bed to warm up the sheets. Right before I crawl in, I turn the electric blanket off.
  5. I no longer have an alarm clock in my bedroom. I use my cell phone alarm to wake up in the morning. Most cell phones have a snooze feature on the alarms as well. My electric bill has been reduced significantly. I'm vigilant about turning off any lights which are not necessary.
  6. My sister recommends using an electric power strip to "shut off" the power source which all of our utilities are on standby anyway. Turn off your computer completely. It's always on standby, but if you don't use it on a daily basis, you're wasting alot of electricity having it "ready" for the big turn on. Unplug that sucker from the wall.
  7. If you have a basement which you can live in, move down there for the winter. The earth serves as insulation. You just have to be careful not to turn your temperature down too low because you don't want mold to start growing.
  8. If you have more than one refridgerator in your home, try to consolidate and turn it off completely. Refridgerators take alot of energy to run.


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